
Fundraising is an excellent fundraising vehicle for almost any cause, because...

  1. Our site if FREE for anyone to use.
  2. Our pool format is simple, and both hosting and joining a pool is easy.
  3. The world-wide popularity of the sport of golf ensures a large potential participant base in almost every corner of the globe.
  4. Our pools offer participants a truly enjoyable interactive experience, making the entry fee feel more like money spent on entertainment vs a donation.
  5. We are happy to personally assist fundraising organizers with 'How To' guidance to facilitate their event. Click on the 'Contact' link above to have all your questions answered.

A Good Fundraising Tool for Any Cause, Not Just Golf Related Ones

Just because golf is the sport of the pool, doesn't mean golf related causes are the only ones suited to use the site for fund raising. Hosting a golf pool is an excellent way to raise funds no matter what your affinity.
  1. Any individual, team or organization raising money for their charity.
  2. Sports teams trying to raise money to subsidize costs otherwise covered by players or parents.
  3. A PTA trying to realize their goal of a new school playground.
  4. A hospital charity working to support the purchase of an expensive new piece of equipment.
  5. A local golf club raising funds to provide free junior golf clinics for children looking to try the sport of golf for the first time.
  6. A local church group fundraising to help pay for materials required to host religion classes for the children of the congregation.

Different Types of Fundraisers

  1. '50/50' Pool: ½ the purse is paid-out to pool winners, and ½ is retained for your cause.
  2. 'Charity Fundraiser' Pool: An annual plaque for the pool winner(s)... donors receive recognition, and all proceeds go to the charity.
  3. 'Prizes' Pool: Prizes are donated. Sponsoring vendors get recognition for donating the prizes, and all entry fee proceeds go directly to the charity.
  4. 'Team Sponsorship' Pool: Partner with a local pub/eatery to have them sponsor your team. You benefit from the sponsorship, and they benefit from the additional revenue generated by your hosting a social event for the pool participants at their establishment (... two big screen TVs side-by-side; one showing the live TV action, the other showing the real-time pool. Hold the social event on Sunday afternoon to make the final round of the tournament twice as exciting).

Start a Pool

Leaderboard is an open site which allows anyone to host their own golf pool. Sign-up today to enjoy a pool among friends, host a charity fundraiser, or promote your business through innovative marketing strategies.


Piggy Bank

Golf is popular world-wide, and hosting a pool using our site couldn't be easier; making an excellent choice for almost any fundraising initiative. Check out our many ideas on how to help you advance your cause.



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